Norwegian quizz

Norwegian quizz

1, When did the black pleague destroy in Norway?

A, in 13th century
B, in 14th century
C, in 15th century
D, in 16th century

2, Who returned to Norway in 1030 to retake the throne from Olav Haraldson?

A, Olav Haraldson
B, Harald Hårfagre
C, Einar Gerhardsen
D, Canute the Great

3, Who was the Denish prince when the Norwegians became Swedish?

A, Olav Haraldson
B, Einar Gerhardsen
C, Kristian Fredrik
D, Karlo Johan

4, What was the name of the first oil field?

A, ekofisk
B, Norwegian oil
C, Slovnaft
D, Oil advanture

5, When did the Norway´s oil advanture start?

A, in 1870´s
B, in 1860´s
C, in 1960´s
D, in 1973

6, Who did Harald Hårfagre love?

A, Julia Capulet
B, King Eirik
C, Gyda Eiriksdatter
D, Marie Antoinette

7, How old was Einar Gerhardsen when he became an active politician?

A, 17 years
B, 20 years
C, 27 years
D, 30 years

8, Who was the main leader of the Labor Party?

A, Olav Tryggvason
B, Kristian Frederik
C, Einar Gerhardsen
D, Michiel De Ruite

9, When did Norway become independent country again?

A, in 2000
B, in 1968
C, in 1848
D, in 1905

10, Who was killed in the Battle of Stiklestad?

A, Canute the Great
B, Olav Tryggvason
C, Napoleon
D, Karl Johan

True or false?

11, At times of the black pleague the population was dominated by older people. ___

12, Norway is a poor country. ___

13, Einar Gerhardsen was not at labor camp at all. ___

14, Sweden wanted to make Norway independent. ___

15, Olav Tryggvason is known as one of the big kings of Norway. ___

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