Dutch quizz

Dutch quizz

  1. What happend in 1535?

a., you could read the Bible in Latin

b.,Bonaparte Napoleon was born

c., World War I started

2. Who was Bonaparte Napoleon?

a., a writer                          b., a war lord                     c.,  the emperor of the French empire

3. Where was Willem van Oranje born?

 a., in London                    b.,in Amsterdam             c., in Dillenburg

 4. Who said? „My God my God have compassion on me and this poor people“

a., Hitler                              b., Anne Frank                 c., Willem van Oranje

5. Where was Anne Frank hiding?

a., in Germany                 B., in an annexe behind a bookcase       c., in an Amsterdam’s school

6. What is in the house where Anne Frank and her  family were hiding now?

a., a schol                            b.,a museum                    c., a supermarket

7. Who was Wilhelmina?

a.,a Jewish girl                  b., queen of Netherlands                           c., an actress

 8. How long was she the queen?

a., for 58 years                 b., for 25 years                                                c., for 32 years

9.  When did she die?

a., 19/11/1957                  b. 28/11/1962                                   b., 28/9/1962

10. Who was Alette Jacobs?

a., Napoleon’s wife        b., a queen                        c., the first woman who received a medical doctorate

11. Who wrote this book: Remarks to the Contunation

a., Anne Frank                  b., J.R.Thorbecke                            c., Alette Jacobs

12. What is WIC?

A, wiccas             B, famous department store in Holland                               C, West-Indian Company

D, West-Italian Criminals

13. Because of who did the iconoclasm start?

A, Protestants                  B, Catholics                        C, Ortodoxes                    D, Mohamedans

14. How were the rebellious protestants called?

A, Heros                              B, Werewolves                C, Hereticals                      D, Alfas

15. What was the indirect cause of the Eighty Years War?

A, the Black Plague         B, the WW I       C, the North See Flood                 D, the iconoclasm

16. Who freed South Holland in 1944?

A, the Germans                               B, the Italians                    C, the Russians                 D, the Americans

17. When was the North See Flood?

A, in 1953                            B, in 1900                            C, in 1600                            D, in 1721

18. Who was Michiel de Ruyter?

A, a Viking          B, a president                   C, a seaman, sailor          D, a singer

19. Where did Anne Frank die?

A, in a cowshed                               B, in hospital                     C, in Germany                  D, in an office

20. True or False?

A, The VOC traded in chinaware but this was too expensive for ordinary people.

B, Michiel de Ruyter didn´t defeat many hijackers.

C, Anne Frank survived the WW II.

D, Willem van Oranje freed Holland from the Spanish king.

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